Saturday, September 28, 2024


Asthan :Shrine, place of pilgrimage.
Aurad: Invocatory prayer.
Bait: Allegiance; a pledge of allegiance of a Sufi novice to his initiating spiritual preceptor.
Batin: Inner, hidden. Faqr Poverty.
Dambael: Dance.
Dastgir: Helper.
Haqiqa: Mystic truth. The main goal of Sufis is to reach the divine reality which is possible only by following the Shari’a.
Haqq: Truth or reality. Hazrat Majestic, Highness
Ihsan: Doing everything as beautifully as possible; perfection in spiritual terms which consists in worshipping God “as if you were seeing Him, for if you do not see Him, He sees you”.
Khwaja: Master, teacher.
Manqabat: Anything in which a man glorifies or which confers on him prominence.
Pir: Spiritual guide, mystic leader

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