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HomeBlogA Song, Known and familiar – Poem

A Song, Known and familiar – Poem

A Song

Known and familiar

Under the little tent of blue

which the prisoners call sky,

In a room of her own

a madwoman dreamt;

Dreamt of the world

that thrived beyond

the curtain of nights,

the dazzle of days,

the prison of being!

In the dream she plucked, threw all

the stars that buttoned the holes

the moon that masked the scar,

the clouds that hid the desolation

across this little tent of blue.

She dreamt slitting it open,

dare throw her head out

to see what all was in the hiding

behind this firmament azure.

God sides with the brave

the brave who put to stake

all they possess, all they own.

Till a blazing cauldron

becomes a rose bed,

or a sharp knife acts blunt

or a deep well drowns a conspiracy

or a wicker basket becomes a lifeboat.

This girl, this brave girl

As she battled through

The boundaries of blue

Jerked hard her feet

To cut the remaining threads

That tied her to gravity. Pop

God rewards the brave!

She found herself colourless,

Formless, fearless, fetterless

Nameless, genderless, creedless

Crackles, painless, scarless

Singing, swirling

In sea of infinite souls

A song, known and familiar.

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