Saturday, June 29, 2024


~ Nalini Priyadarshni


Just because it’s akin to looking for a needle in hay sack

And our bodies are oblivious to universe within, we can’t

Give up looking for what beckons us from beyond needs and

Desires. Our paths, that were laid long before we had

Even learnt to walk or knew the strange yearnings

Entreat us to enter those dark, secret

Places where our true selves wait to be unchained. We are

Stardust on a cosmic journey, swirling and dancing in eddies

And whirlpools of eternity – unrestrained, uninhibited.

We pause to gaze into each other’s eyes, to love, listening to

Hum of our collapsing worlds.

None of what we see around, belongs to any of us

Eventually, perhaps you would want to join this tremendous adventure

Yield to temptation and God! what poetry we’ll write!


Learnings – Poem

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Learnings – Poem

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