Saturday, September 28, 2024
HomeBlogRendezvous in my poetry

Rendezvous in my poetry

~ Mitu Bhatia

I go to a secret hiding place, Khwaja’s Dargah

My heavy heart’s burden slowly ebbing away

Frenzied foot tapping rhythm of rustic Dholak

Dizzy, inebriated heart twirls, pirouettes, whirls

Whisper your name aloud, my world is aglow

When I see your soft smile, I forget to breathe

When our eyes meet, I leave a poem on your lids

Every time you blink, my words enter your soul

Unfathomable grace, blinding beauty I behold

Your radiance with a million eyes I wish to see

The agony of longing, desire lights up my being

Wounded wings exult, delightful, delirious flight.

Prayers softly whispered with unwritten words

Emotions and gratitude in soulful songs unsung

Tender love, unasked, unfamiliar, unlived in me

Sacred place of prayers, rendezvous, my poetry.

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