Saturday, June 29, 2024



Once I asked myself

Who is He?

And I heard a voice whispering:

He is the One

Whom no atom of the universe may disobey

And I thought and I thought and I thought

For I still lay restless

And I asked again of myself

Who is He?

And the some voice whispered:

He is the One

Who guards your every step,

He who feeds you, clothes you, shelters you

And I thought again and again and again

And still I lay restless

So once more I asked myself,

Who is He ?

And the voice came once more,

Closer and clearer than before

And I heard it say,

You have a restless heart my child

Come, come, come ;

I shall tell you this,

He is the One

Who dwells in everyone

And I heard no more that voice

For soon I felt rest creeping into me and I fell asleep

When I awoke and wandered out

I saw Him, saw Him in everyone

And I knew who He is

I told myself

He is the One

Who dwells in everyone

He is within us, beside us, around us,

To guard us and guide us.

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Learnings – Poem

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